In Transit

Right now, I am doing one of my favorite things: traveling home to see my parents for a few days. I am in transit at the Charlotte airport, one of my favorites because they have lots of rocking chairs. As an added bonus there is a piano man this time (maybe they thought we needed some extra entertainment with the frenzy of the holiday). Maybe other airports are this nice too, but I have not spent nearly as much time at them as I have CLT.

Poised at my laptop and enjoying a CLT rocking chair
Poised at my laptop and enjoying a CLT rocking chair

I find that I love airports in general, even those without the luxury of a good rocking chair. I love them for their flux of humanity. People from all walks of life arriving and departing. We may come from very different places, but for a brief time we are equalized by the airport experience, which includes surrendering our liquids, electronics, and shoes to pass through security and countless warnings about not taking things from strangers and staying glued to our luggage. It’s like together we are on a collective journey with 1,000+ destinations.

Humanity in flux
Humanity in flux

With this inherent multitude of destinations, I like to imagine where people are going. I wonder who, if anyone, is picking them up on the other side. Are they traveling for business or pleasure or both?

We're all going somewhere (except maybe Snowden, but that's another matter)
We’re all going somewhere (except maybe Snowden, but that’s another matter)

You can take some clues from their carry-ons and what they are wearing, which is another thing I love. The airport is like its own TV drama or a moving magazine. Airport runway fashion ranges from the I-sleep-in-these-pants-with-lobsters-on-them to I’m-on-my-way-to-meet-the-business-elite and everything in between. People looking their best and worst. It’s a fun way to shop.

Now it is time for me to get some food and prepare for my next flight, but I’m glad I took a moment to share how wonderful I believe airports can be. Next time you travel, I hope you feel the same and I wish that your flights always be on time!

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