Category Archives: Flux

New Job!!

Welcome to the BLM Bakersfield!
Welcome to the BLM Bakersfield Field Office!

New city, new job:
Bakersfield Biologist
Excited to start!

I am thrilled to share the news that I have accepted a full-time, permanent position as a Wildlife Biologist for the Bureau of Land Management Bakersfield Field Office in Bakersfield, California. This is a terrific opportunity, and I am excited to begin on May 18.

If I had any doubt (and I don’t), there was a giant sign that told me I was going in the right direction: the BLM Bakersfield office is literally on the corner of Pegasus and Unicorn!!!

The BLM Bakersfield office is literally on the corner of Pegasus and Unicorn!!!
Too good to be true – but it is!

Over the weekend, I went on an apartment search with my wonderful mom who flew out to help. She also served as the “Newest Resident of Bakersfield” photographer, enjoy:

The sign on the Wikipedia page – welcome to Bakersfield!
Bakersfield Trader Joes!
Bakersfield Trader Joe’s!

I think great adventure and learning lay ahead! Thank you to everyone who has helped me to get this far. I look forward to this being only another beginning!

The Trouble with Blogging

Numerous internal debates have centered on this question: how do I want to use this space?

I am not a super-sharer like some writers (Lena Dunham comes to mind), nor can I offer expert testimony on any subject matter (Nina Totenberg on the Supreme Court anyone?). I am not yet comfortable sharing my opinions of current events so publicly and so permanently, nor am I trying to sway you to my view of the world.

When I dig down to it, I want this to be a place where I share a selection of my photos, experiences, and thoughts with the people I care about and anyone else who finds it interesting. (I confess, the latter part of that group – the “anyone else” – also makes me a little skittish to share deeply, because it’s hard to put things out into the world and not know who might be reading them now or in the future.) I could use social media sites to make posts like the ones I have described, but not all of my family and friends are on all of the sites. Furthermore, I prefer the level of administrative control and content maintenance that comes with a website, so I definitely want to use this space, but how?

“How?” could be a continuation of the status quo, though I am clearly dissatisfied with it else I would not have written this post. My main issue is the time involved in composing a post similar to the ones I have done in the past (multiple hours), which means they are super infrequent (notice the timestamp on the last post before this one). To make up for the infrequency of posting, I write longer missives, but then I find myself asking: who really has time to read this? I mean, it’s not all that interesting unless you were here or knew more of the details.

All of this had been stirring in the back of my mind for quite some time, when bar trivia this past Tuesday delivered the answer in the form of a question: What is the syllable structure of a Japanese haiku? The answer, of course, is 5-7-5. Hearing this reminded me of my fondness for haikus, and my third grade winning haiku on pegasus (I’ll see if I can dig it out of hiding). Daily haikus are most definitely within reach, can go along with pictures nicely, will challenge my creativity, and are brief enough that you almost cannot help but read them. So without further adieu, it’s time for a haiku!

Brevity blogging
Pictures, haikus, and tidbits
New style, same place 😉

New year, another year older - I do what I want on my blog!
New year, another year older – I do what I want on my blog!

Misadventures Packing

Welcome to Nebraska!
Welcome to Nebraska!

“Goodbye! Goodbye!” I repeated as we drove over the mountains in North Carolina and into Tennessee. It’s real now: Mom and I are well on the road and headed west! In fact, we are in western Nebraska, and thus, this road trip adventure will be more of a retrospective. You’ll soon read why I am a little behind. Continue reading Misadventures Packing