Category Archives: Discovery

Keeping it Reel

Some families cook together, others hike, some go on road trips, my family goes to the movies. We do other things too, but going to the movies together will always be prominent in my childhood and young adult life. I went to my first movie with my parents when I was three weeks old – I don’t remember much. My mom and dad took me to see artsy movies before I could appreciate artsy movies – I thank them now. In the two weeks I was home for the holidays, my parents and I saw ten movies. Here are my brief reviews:

Silver Linings

I highly recommend Silver Linings Playbook. Of all the movies we saw, this is the first one I would see again. I would even consider buying it when it becomes available on DVD. The sweet, quirky, crazy reality of two, not “broken,” but maybe “bent” people trying to make their way. Who do we love? Who loves us? How do we recover?

LincolnLincoln. This movie will make you wish you paid more attention in history class. Powerful and intense, you witness the skill of a true statesman. A somewhat ironic juxtaposition to the recent debacle of the fiscal cliff. Our country survived a civil war, that puts things in perspective.

Les Miserables

A classic. I have seen Les Miserables both in theater and on the big screen, both were moving. Do you believe people can change? Can a broken soul be healed with love? Also, let this be an illustration to any country that lets the gap between rich and poor grow too large.

HobbitI could not miss The Hobbit. This was definitely a Dad and Carly movie. Middle earth, dragon, trolls, orcs, goblins, wizards, elves, dwarfs, and hobbits made for three hours of visually stunning adventure. I must confess, during the movie I forgot that it was Part 1, and I kept thinking, ‘we better hurry up and get to the mountain.’ If you consider yourself an adventure movie connoisseur, you need to see this movie.

Django Unchained

With Quentin Tarantino as its director, Django Unchained was guaranteed to have a healthy dose of bloody violence, and it delivered. At times, I found myself cringing or looking away from the screen. Not a movie for the squeamish.

Trouble CurveThe combination of Clint Eastwood, Amy Adams, and Justin Timberlake peaked my interest in Trouble with the Curve. The movie had poignant moments, but tried to tell too many stories at the same time. I recommend as a RedBox.

Bourne Legacy

As someone who has enjoyed the entire Bourne series, catching up with latest installment was only natural. The Bourne Legacy followed the same winning format – kick ass, rogue, genetically-enhanced hero saves super-smart-but-kind-of-clueless female from evil government spy programs and epic-proportion, multi-modal chases ensue. I enjoyed it.

WanderlustGuilt TripWe saw Guilt Trip and Wanderlust on the same day, both had sweet funny moments Family and love will make people do strange things. Maybe you’ll reconsider a road trip with your mom or living on a commune, or maybe not. Good for light viewing and easy laughs.


For something completely different, watch Beasts of the Southern Wild. Like Les Miserables, it will make you confront the haves and the have-nots, but unlike Les Mis, you will see a people who do not lust after the haves, but rather see those outsiders as the enemy. I think I may have missed something in this movie because for me it was rather strange.

The Moon and Metaphors

If you spend enough time around me, you may notice my proclivity for pointing out the moon. When I step out the door, I sky sweep almost instinctively and smile involuntarily when I spot the moon. Whether it is baby crescent or full, I take delight in its constant and cyclical presence.

My favorite is moon spotting during the day because the moon shouldn’t be out but it is! Of course, it can be harder to see the moon during the day, sometimes it blends with the clouds, so the added challenge makes the reward sweeter.

A moon gallery (because I also like to take pictures of the moon):


The moon also makes a great metaphor. It can be full, new, and blue. It has a dark side. It waxes, wanes, cycles, orbits, rises, sinks, and eclipses. It’s made of cheese. Humans have raced to it. Astronauts have bounced and moon walked upon it. The moon is a metaphor for all seasons.

Now, why do you need a metaphor?

You need a metaphor because it will solve any conundrum brought to you by a friend or colleague. Rather than try to explain in detail the gift I am offering, I turn to an excerpt from Grey’s Anatomy where the wise Bailey offers Derek advice on giving advice, you can either watch the video or read the text (or both!).

Text below:

(Context: Bailey starts asking Derek for his opinion on something.)

D: When did I become the advice columnist?

B: Touchy touchy!

D: Well, I’m sorry, it just seems that no one can make up their own mind today.

B: People do make up their own minds, they just need a little help getting there.

D: What do you mean?

B: Someone comes to me with a problem, I give them a metaphor.

D: Any kind of metaphor?

B: See that’s the beauty of it. They’ll draw some meaning from it, and it will help them to make a decision they were going to make in the first place.

Simple as a metaphor.

So the next time someone comes to you with a difficult decision they are trying to make, think of the moon.

Moon - South Africa
Moon – South Africa

xo xo gossip girl

gossip girl lips

6 seasons, 121 episodes, 80+ hours, and my coup is complete. I have watched every episode of Gossip Girl in 16 weeks, finishing in time to watch the season six finale live on Monday night. Here’s a post to what I’ve loved and learned.

“you know you love me, xo xo”

Finding a single picture to capture elegance on the Upper East Side was a challenge, one I defeated by giving you a picture of Blair's wedding headband #Want.
Blair’s wedding headband #Want.

Gossip Girl brought me a world I did not know existed. One of high fashion high school, outrageous parties, and enough disposable income to afford it all without a second thought. To live there means you walk the sidewalk like it is a runway. In any given episode, you are guaranteed a high society event or an over the top party. I marveled at the abundance of silk, sequins, and stilettos. Then again, even the high school uniforms became a pallet for inspiration, and Blair Waldorf inspired me to take headbands to heart.

From headbands to earbuds, no society event is complete without music. Watching the older seasons was like listening to my high school iPod. I smiled while remembering where I was when those songs were popular, and enjoyed the progression to the present. Of course, my favorite was Lady Gaga’s guest appearance to perform “Bad Romance” in Season 3 Episode 10.

Season 6 CastBut what would the fashion and music be without Serena, Dan, Blair, Chuck, Nate, and the many others? Collectively, they became part of my routine: What were they up to? Who were they seeing? Where were they going? What did Gossip Girl say about them? Like characters in novels, I was privy to their private worlds, and by degrees, I became invested in their futures. I celebrated their victories, empathized with their struggles, and groaned when they sabotaged each other again (Serena and Blair were particularly bad about this). I feel like the end of the show is the end of our friendship. They will be frozen in time while I continue on my journey. Certainly new shows will rise to take Gossip Girl’s time slot, but they will want to make new statements, and I question whether any will be as memorable as “xo xo.”

Yesterday marked the end of an era. One of frivolity and extravagance, but also of loyalty and friendship. Inane drama aside, the show offered some valuable lessons on growing up and finding our way: Blair and Serena always forgave each other, Nate found honesty in business and in family, Chuck discovered charity and unconditional love, and Dan made his dream of becoming an insider true. They will be missed. Thank goodness for Netflix.

Now a few tips on how to stay off (or get on) Gossip Girl’s radar. After all, “you’re nobody until you are talked about.”

Paternity Test1. Never leave sensitive personal information lying around. Never. Period. Personal information you should not leave in plain sight includes emails, gchats, text messages, pictures, partially written novels, and paternity tests. Someone will find it and publish it, or they will keep it close and use it as blackmail. Usually the thief is a person you trust such as a friend or family member because naturally you know better than to leave secrets unguarded when enemies are lurking. Unfortunately your trustworthy person recently found a reason to be angry with you, probably over something silly or that they don’t understand (see number 2), and is eager to exact revenge. So remember, every time you give someone keys to your office/apartment/car or you walk out of the room to take a call/check your makeup/try on a dress or one of a million variations on this theme, you are leaving those little secrets for the world to see. Think twice and always take your cell phone with you.

Eavesdropping only leads to trouble.

2. You never have the full story. Characters in Gossip Girl are constantly walking in at just the wrong moment or overhearing the single out-of-context line of dialogue. It is what the show thrives on. “You don’t trust me!” “I can’t believe you!” “Wait, I can explain!” If you find yourself in a situation like this, assume you do not have the whole story and save everyone (including yourself) the embarrassment of learning this later. Get the full story immediately. Know and trust your friends. Understand there are always complicating details. And follow number 1 to avoid the situation in the first place.

Typical when caught lying to your "bff."
Typical when caught lying to your “bff.”

3. Tell the truth now and avoid the hassle later. So many of the scandalous situations on the Upper East Side could be avoided if characters just told the truth the first time (of course, the show would be dull if they did, but this is lessons learned, not how-to-write-a-hit-show). A deliberate omission or blatant lie often results in either heartbreak, forsaken friendship, or bodily harm, and sometimes a combination of the three. Even white lies have the power to destroy. Lies do not work because usually someone will leave something personal lying out (number 1) or they will fail to get the whole story (number 2), confront or sabotage you, and ultimately the truth you were trying to protect will be revealed.

“As for me? I’m right where I want to be, and I only want to be with you. xo xo”

With that farewell and those little lessons, I mark the conclusion of Gossip Girl. What next? Well I hear that Downton Abbey is causing quite the scandal.

xo xo, gossip girl


For those not indoctrinated in the complex world of GG, a Gossip Girl blast is a text message that shares information of a scandalous nature often leading to “I can explain” moments and much embarrassment for those involved. The blast is typically delivered in a snarky, know-it-all tone with allusions to iconic cultural events and well-known narratives. A GG blast may include a photo and in rare instances, a video. These multi-media blasts are preferable because they corroborate the information presented and make explaining all the more difficult.
