Tag Archives: greys anatomy

The Moon and Metaphors

If you spend enough time around me, you may notice my proclivity for pointing out the moon. When I step out the door, I sky sweep almost instinctively and smile involuntarily when I spot the moon. Whether it is baby crescent or full, I take delight in its constant and cyclical presence.

My favorite is moon spotting during the day because the moon shouldn’t be out but it is! Of course, it can be harder to see the moon during the day, sometimes it blends with the clouds, so the added challenge makes the reward sweeter.

A moon gallery (because I also like to take pictures of the moon):


The moon also makes a great metaphor. It can be full, new, and blue. It has a dark side. It waxes, wanes, cycles, orbits, rises, sinks, and eclipses. It’s made of cheese. Humans have raced to it. Astronauts have bounced and moon walked upon it. The moon is a metaphor for all seasons.

Now, why do you need a metaphor?

You need a metaphor because it will solve any conundrum brought to you by a friend or colleague. Rather than try to explain in detail the gift I am offering, I turn to an excerpt from Grey’s Anatomy where the wise Bailey offers Derek advice on giving advice, you can either watch the video or read the text (or both!).


Text below:

(Context: Bailey starts asking Derek for his opinion on something.)

D: When did I become the advice columnist?

B: Touchy touchy!

D: Well, I’m sorry, it just seems that no one can make up their own mind today.

B: People do make up their own minds, they just need a little help getting there.

D: What do you mean?

B: Someone comes to me with a problem, I give them a metaphor.

D: Any kind of metaphor?

B: See that’s the beauty of it. They’ll draw some meaning from it, and it will help them to make a decision they were going to make in the first place.

Simple as a metaphor.

So the next time someone comes to you with a difficult decision they are trying to make, think of the moon.

Moon - South Africa
Moon – South Africa