On Mistletoe and A Community

Sometimes a girl just wants to write her blog. My sincere apologies for the long delay between posts, but I am learning to accept there are only so many hours in a day, and sleeping less is not a viable option. Now on to the post:

Two weekends ago, I traveled to Winston-Salem to run the Mistletoe Half Marathon. It was a beautiful weekend for a race, and I am happy to report that I placed third in my age group, 98/1100+ overall, and ran a PR (personal record/best). But what has me smiling most is remembering the sense of belonging and connection I felt while spending time with friends. In fact, the opportunity to reconnect is what convinced me to run the race.

I signed up shortly after the Old Guns and Young Ones (OGYO) were victorious at the Southern Odyssey Relay. I knew several of my teammates would participate in the Mistletoe, and I already missed their round-the-clock company. I must also give credit to OGYO Captain and All Around Superstar Paige, who sent me her Mistletoe training schedule and inspired me to create one of my own. But there is something more both the OGYO and Mistletoe participants share that holds an even greater gravity: our connection with Eagle’s Nest.


Whether they were campers, counselors, parents of campers, or camp staff, all had heard the mission “Experiential education for young people promoting the natural world and the betterment of human character” and had seen the transformative power of time on 43 Hart Road. My first summer there was as a counselor in 2010. I remember feeling uncertain where I would belong, but Eagle’s Nest-ers talk more about community than anyone else I know, and they are adept at creating a place for each individual to participate and to shine. With encouragement and friendship, they helped me to find my niche. Now two years later, I would like to report that my niche has become a second home. As a Nest-er, I share the values of connection, community, and leadership, and I believe the sense of home is universal for my teammates and racing compatriots. Our bond is exceptional and extends far beyond PRs and finish lines. Driving home from the Mistletoe, I smiled the whole way.

In the same way I have learned time limits us, I have also learned that as we walk (or run) down our respective paths, we look for the people and groups we can call “ours.” The Eagle’s Nest community is one of the most welcoming, supportive, and rewarding communities I have had the privilege to join, and if I am being deeply honest, the people of the community are more like extended family. So yes, the weekend was in part about a race, but in a much bigger sense, it was about a community I cherish.

Congratulations All Around
Congratulations All Around

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