Tag Archives: mom

Keeping it Reel

Some families cook together, others hike, some go on road trips, my family goes to the movies. We do other things too, but going to the movies together will always be prominent in my childhood and young adult life. I went to my first movie with my parents when I was three weeks old – I don’t remember much. My mom and dad took me to see artsy movies before I could appreciate artsy movies – I thank them now. In the two weeks I was home for the holidays, my parents and I saw ten movies. Here are my brief reviews:

Silver Linings

I highly recommend Silver Linings Playbook. Of all the movies we saw, this is the first one I would see again. I would even consider buying it when it becomes available on DVD. The sweet, quirky, crazy reality of two, not “broken,” but maybe “bent” people trying to make their way. Who do we love? Who loves us? How do we recover?

LincolnLincoln. This movie will make you wish you paid more attention in history class. Powerful and intense, you witness the skill of a true statesman. A somewhat ironic juxtaposition to the recent debacle of the fiscal cliff. Our country survived a civil war, that puts things in perspective.

Les Miserables

A classic. I have seen Les Miserables both in theater and on the big screen, both were moving. Do you believe people can change? Can a broken soul be healed with love? Also, let this be an illustration to any country that lets the gap between rich and poor grow too large.

HobbitI could not miss The Hobbit. This was definitely a Dad and Carly movie. Middle earth, dragon, trolls, orcs, goblins, wizards, elves, dwarfs, and hobbits made for three hours of visually stunning adventure. I must confess, during the movie I forgot that it was Part 1, and I kept thinking, ‘we better hurry up and get to the mountain.’ If you consider yourself an adventure movie connoisseur, you need to see this movie.

Django Unchained

With Quentin Tarantino as its director, Django Unchained was guaranteed to have a healthy dose of bloody violence, and it delivered. At times, I found myself cringing or looking away from the screen. Not a movie for the squeamish.

Trouble CurveThe combination of Clint Eastwood, Amy Adams, and Justin Timberlake peaked my interest in Trouble with the Curve. The movie had poignant moments, but tried to tell too many stories at the same time. I recommend as a RedBox.

Bourne Legacy

As someone who has enjoyed the entire Bourne series, catching up with latest installment was only natural. The Bourne Legacy followed the same winning format – kick ass, rogue, genetically-enhanced hero saves super-smart-but-kind-of-clueless female from evil government spy programs and epic-proportion, multi-modal chases ensue. I enjoyed it.

WanderlustGuilt TripWe saw Guilt Trip and Wanderlust on the same day, both had sweet funny moments Family and love will make people do strange things. Maybe you’ll reconsider a road trip with your mom or living on a commune, or maybe not. Good for light viewing and easy laughs.


For something completely different, watch Beasts of the Southern Wild. Like Les Miserables, it will make you confront the haves and the have-nots, but unlike Les Mis, you will see a people who do not lust after the haves, but rather see those outsiders as the enemy. I think I may have missed something in this movie because for me it was rather strange.

Biltmore – Built for More!

America’s largest home!
Beautiful and angular, an external view of the main staircase, which has no internal supports

On Saturday morning, my mom, who was visiting, and I ventured to the epitome of American Opulence: Biltmore Estate. America’s largest private home, Biltmore’s interior covers over four acres and contains 250 rooms. Construction took six years, with the official opening on Christmas Eve 1895. Presently, Biltmore is owned by Vanderbilt’s descendants and operated  and maintained by an impressive staff of over 1800. The home is open 365 days a year – and 366 on leap year! Both my mom and I walked away surprised at how much we enjoyed our visit.


We picked up some decorating tips: like Always have Lions at the front entrance!

Plan to spend the day at Biltmore; we were there from 11:30 AM until 7:30 PM. Another tip: if you purchase tickets a week in advance, you receive a discount. Save those dollars for the optional audio tour – two thumbs up recommendation. Our house tour started at noon, and we completed the first two levels (rooms 1-23) of the house before taking a break to refuel on pizza and ice cream. Then we finished the final third of the tour: the basement and recreations areas (rooms 24-44). We both felt this was an excellent flow by incorporating a necessary sitting break and tasty snacks.

After the house, we went to see the gardens, which our shuttle driver said were a “must-see.” The fresh fall air was a welcome treat from the enclosed house.

Again, our enjoyment exceeded our expectations, particularly in the orchid room of the greenhouse where exquisite beauty met intricate design.

Our final stop on the all day tour was the Antler Hill Village and Winery. There is no better way to end a visit than with a sip or three of wine at the free on-site tasting.


So if you are looking for a day-long getaway a reasonable drive from Clemson, look no further than Biltmore.


The belly rules the mind. ~Spanish Proverb

The end of my weeks tend to revolve around food: potlucks, Paws diner breakfasts, sundae Fridays, and tailgating. It’s fulfilling to gather with one friend or many to share a meal, conversation, and laughter. These ritual gatherings around meals have added quality to my week in a way I would not have guessed. (These rituals also give me an extra reason to lace up my running shoes and do some extra crunches.)

Primary colors ruled this potluck

For this post, I’ll focus on potlucks.

My friends from graduate school started a bi-weekly – or thereabouts – potluck. Each week has a theme: primary colors, first times, and my personal favorite so far, “the alcohol is in it.” The latter theme occurred at the potluck Thursday evening and was my best showing so far.


I prepared “Punkin Soup” inspired by a tweet from Runners’ World. The tweet caught my attention when it mentioned Dogfish Head brewing company – which has a restaurant near where my parents live and is easily my favorite place to visit when home. Following the link, I learned the recipe called for Dogfish Head Punkin Ale, thus the name. Unfortunately, that particular brew is not sold here, but I can tell you the soup is still delicious when prepared with Blue Moon Harvest Pumpkin Ale – and it was easy enough for someone who describes herself as a non-cook! If you would like to prepare the recipe, follow this link: Punkin Soup.

Punkin Soup and Beer Rye Bread were a match made for the alcohol is in it. Good Feast!

I suspect Runner’s World featured this recipe as a nod to the recent Dogfish Head Dash, a 5/10k race that took place last Sunday. I bring this up because my wonderful mom ran the race, and I want to give her a special shout out: Go Mom!

Go Mom! Part of the Dogfish Head Dash draw is the kegs are tapped immediately after the race – so that’s about 9 a.m.