
Race Outfit

preoccupied thoughts
race bib, outfit, weather, food
marathon draws near

A little more:

I am running the Redding Marathon tomorrow, January 18. It starts at 8 AM pacific time on the top of Shasta Dam and traverses the Sacramento River Trail to the Sundial Bridge (course map). I have been training for 14 weeks using a Carly-fied version of the Hanson training plan. I am nervous, but I think I am ready. Please send good thoughts!   : )

From Friday:


‘Selma’ reminds us
peaceful protests overcame.
Still there’s work to do.


I saw the movie ‘Selma’ on Friday night. It was excellent: powerful and moving, but also difficult to watch. Being confronted by heinous acts on a big screen made me cringe with disgust and remorse, but I am grateful that the movie triggered these feelings, because I am afraid of what could happen (and maybe is happening) if we forget the courageous acts of these many ordinary people. They have done so much for us and our country, and now it is our turn to continue their march.

For an illuminating interview with the director, Ava DuVernay, visit this link: The Sounds, Space And Spirit Of ‘Selma’: A Director’s Take.

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